Web Links
The links and addresses below are a broad range of sites, services, and things to do in the New England area with the focus on Massachusetts. If you have any other links or categories that you would like to see added, please contact Kristin Marquis at kmarquis@SBAGreaterNE.org.
Jump to a category by making a choice in the drop-down menu and clicking “Go”.
Adaptive Recreation
- Ability Plus Adaptive Sports
- Achilles International
- All Out Adventures, Inc.
- Blaze Sports America
- Everyone Outdoors
- Maine Adaptive Sports and Recreation
- Massachusetts Dept. of Conservation and Recreation Outdoor Activities
- Move United
- New England Disabled Sports
- New England Healing Sports Association
- Northeast Passage
- Quincy Quarries Rock Climbing
- Spaudling Rehabilitation Network Adaptive Sports
- Sports ‘N Spokes—A Magazine for Wheelchair Recreation
- STRIDE Adaptive Sports
- The National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability
- U.S. Paralympics
- Vermont Adaptive Ski & Sports
- Waypoint Adventure
- World T.E.A.M Sports
Assistive and Adaptive Technology / Universal Design
College Resources
Driving Resources
Emergency Resources
- American Red Cross
- Center for Disease Control (CDC)
- DisabilityInfo.org
- Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
- FEMA – Individuals with Access and Functional Needs
- MA Emergency Management Agency
- Massachusetts Emergency Service Programs
- Preparing for Disaster for People with Disabilities and other Special Needs
- 180 Medical Scholarship Program
- AAHD Frederick J. Krause Scholarship on Health & Disability
- American Association on Health and Disability Award
- California Association for Postsecondary Education and Disability (CAPED)
- ChairScholar Foundation
- CSL Foundation
- Harry Gregg Foundation Grants
- United Healthcare Children’s Foundation
Home Modification
Parent Resources
Spina Bifida Resources